Stochastic Aerospace Systems
These summaries are written by past students and provide an overview of all topics covered in the course.
Atmospheric Flight Dynamics by Hildo Bijl - 1081 clicksExams
A collection of past papers.
Example Exam 1 Problems - 393 clicks Example Exam 1 Solutions - 215 clicks Example Exam 2 Solutions - 190 clicks January 2016 - 166 clicks January 1999 - 151 clicks Example Exam 2 Problems - 148 clicks April 2012 - 80 clicks April 2012 Solutions - 68 clicks March 2001 - 60 clicks April 2011 - 54 clicks April 2011 Solutions - 54 clicks March 2002 - 48 clicksFormulasheets
The formula sheets below provide an overview of the equations used in this course.
Formula Sheet (2018) - 231 clicks